Sunday 8 April 2012

Art or Vandalism?

 A global phenomenon, developing out of the graffiti tradition of the 1980s. Every where you go you will see graffiti, but the question is and has been for a while, is it art or just mindless vandalism? This question has been highly debated, by street artists and the government/councils. I can understand both points of the argument.
   Personally I believe 'tagging' other peoples property and sides of buildings is tasteless vandalism and on the whole 'tagging' in general, as to me it is just a meaningless scribble on a wall, bridge or anything. While on the other hand graffiti art (I wouldn't really even call it graffiti, just street art.) to me is totally different, as some of it is truely amazing and creative, using only a can and street objects that are avaliable at the time to create a unique one off piece of which the artist will rarely ever be creditted for (exception to Banksey naturally). Some street artists consider that by doing this they are challenging authority while expressing themselves, while others just want to liven the place up with a little colour and also adding a little humor in to peoples everyday lives.
   Even the Tate Modern in London allowed Nunca, from Sao PauloParisian JR, Sixeart from Barcelona, the New York Faile collective, Blu, from Italy and Os Gemeos, who also hails from Sao Paulo all of who are street artists, to paint on to the wall of its building, which was of course done under the cover of night, ultimatley bringing a whole new audience and apprieciation to the types of art out there, it all doesn't need to be done on canvas, paper etc.
Cedar Lewisohn, curator of the show at the gallery, said: 'Hopefully, it's going to introduce a whole new audience to this kind of work, which is popular around the world.'
Part view of the Tate Modern London

   Many may disagree with my opinions and this question will forever live, but here are some of the works I have seen that are what I consider to be art.

An Essay Recognition of Some Forms of Graffiti As Art

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