Friday 6 April 2012

Sweet Dreams...

   The Majority of Joshua Hoffine’s work looks at horror, and the fears and nightmares of children, with this being the main basis of his work.
Bed - Joshua Hoffine

   What I like about these images is the subtle detail amongst the props within the imagery, (such as in ‘Bed’ the words “Daddy” “No” which are hidden within the ABC blocks) as they add more depth into the meanings, and in some cases create more atmosphere to the work. Also a lot of Hoffine’s work plays with the realm of the unknown which adds more anxiety to the pieces, which as the viewer I feel I am able to empathise with, as at some point we have all had these fears.
   I feel that I can really relate to Hoffine’s images of the fears and nightmares of children as they are common and iconic fears that are being portrays in the work, with some of them being part of my own childhood fears, its as if Hoffine is reminding the viewer of things that they may have been scared of as a child, but perhaps had forgotten over time, and by recovering the memory, the fear is therefore recovered, which I think helps you as the viewer to empathise with the victim in the photographs, so I think that Hoffine aims to try and get the audience to mutually feel and appreciate the emotions that the model playing the victim is experiencing.


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